Text Display Issue

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Nov 22 03:03:49 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-10-15 at 21:17 -0700, Steven Grace wrote:
> I just installed Ubuntu Studio 12.04 and have an issue with the way text 
> displays. The text is not sharp and some pixels have a pinkish cast.
> The best illustration of the latter is to open Terminal. Assuming the 
> default colors (white on black), the vertical bar character (|) displays 
> as pink.
> I've reproduced this using the live DVD on two computers.
> Both of the computers in question run Xubuntu 12.04 (which Ubuntu Studio 
> seems to be based on) and text looks great there.
> Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.

I still have not such an issue for Ubuntu Studio Precise and Quantal,
but for Ubuntu Quantal + Ubuntu Studio packages I can't change anything
for the fonts.

If I use Ubuntu Studio Quantal some things are broken, e.g. Evolution
and if I use Ubuntu Quantal + Ubuntu Studio packages, then other things
are broken, e.g. the quality of the fonts. If I just use Ubuntu Quantal
without audio software, nearly everything is ok.

- Ralf

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