pulse audio & jack

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed Nov 14 17:11:33 UTC 2012

On Wed, 2012-11-14 at 10:27 -0500, Mac wrote:
> When I installed 12.04 UbStudio I was pleased to see pulse audio
> played nice with jack. (i.e. when qjackctl starts pulse sinks/sources
> show up by default).
> Is there any documentation or overview of how this is accomplished?
> I'd like to understand and possibly modify what shows up, etc.
> Or, can anyone post some ideas on where to start? (I googled a bit
> with little success.)
> On a related note: if I run/start qjackctl things work fine. If I then
> tell qjackctl to stop and choose yes/continue when it prompts about
> clients still connected it can't connect when I attempt to start it
> again. The message says it can't connect(or start) to the server.
> I'm guessing there are stale processes that are not allowing the
> restart, but, I'm not real sure where to begin to determine how to
> correctly stop jack so it doesn't get it's knickers in twist.
> Regards,
> Mac

Perhaps a DBUS thingy? If you start qjackctl, it will launch the script
in /usr/bin, this script will turn off pulseaudio and than run
qjackctl.real, the actually/real qjackctl. So when using qjackctl,
pulseaudio shouldn't cause issues. DBUS might cause issues.


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