wireless card recommendation

Hugh Blemings hugh at blemings.org
Mon Jul 16 23:33:57 UTC 2012

Hiya Tom,

On 17/07/12 09:24, Tom Poe wrote:
> Hello:  I'm running ubuntustudio 11.04 on Dell GX260 desktop.  Looking
> for wireless card recommendation and driver info.  Not sure what
> software ubuntustudio uses for network detection.  Is this a doable
> project to undertake?  Any pointers appreciated.

You should find just about any card listed here;


will work with Ubuntu Studio - two caveats that come to mind;

* Make sure that any card or USB adaptor you choose is "younger" than 
the 11.04 release - best chance of having good driver support.

* If you go the USB route, be mindful that it might take up bandwidth on 
USB that your (say) audio interface is also trying to use.  You may be 
able to get around this by having them on separate controllers, I don't 
know if the GX260 has multiple USB controllers or not sorry.

As far as I know the Ubuntu Studio kernel differs only in the realtime 
support, rest of the drivers are the same as 11.04 itself.

Given the a compatible card (that has a driver) the regular networking 
support also handles wireless, lets you set SSIDs, passwords etc. 
Should be pretty straightforward.

Hope this helps, happy hacking,

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