Sharing "things" between Ubuntu Studio 11.10 and...
Gustin Johnson
gustin at
Wed Feb 15 23:15:39 UTC 2012
You need to set up your Ubuntu box as a router, do a google search for
linux masquerade router
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:42 AM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at>wrote:
> Hi :)
> there're two things I wish to have:
> 1. Evolution
> Evolution 3.2.3 from an Arch Linux install should share
> everything or at least emails with Evolution 3.2.2 from US 11.10
> 2. Wi-Fi
> An iPad 2 should be connected to US 11.10 and the Internet by
> Wi-fi, while US 11.10 is connected to the Internet by PPPoE.
> 1. Evolution
> On Arch Linux I backup by "File > Back up Evolution data...".
> On US 11.10 I restored from this backup by the restore option of the
> assistant that's started, when you launch Evolution for the first time.
> There are those Evolution related paths:
> ~/.cache/evolution
> ~/.config/evolution
> ~/.gconf/apps/evoluton
> ~/.local/share/evolution
> ~/.local/share/applications/Evolution
> From the ~ dir I run:
> $ rm -r .local/share/evolution/mail
> $ ln
> -s /mnt/archlinux/home/spinymouse/.local/share/evolution/mail
> .local/share/evolution/mail
> This at least is working at the moment, but I didn't reboot between both
> installs. I wonder what folders I can share and what folders I can't
> share, especially if there ever will be much different versions of
> Evolution installed.
> 2. Wi-Fi
> There are two tasks I wish to get working. Sharing data between the iPad
> and Linux, at least with VirtualBox running iTunes on XP pro. On Arch
> Linux I already do this wired by USB.
> And important for now, I wish to share the Internet between US 11.10 and
> the iPad.
> The connection between US 11.10 and the Internet was created by running
> pppoeconf and works without any issues.
> After running this script ...
> $ cat adhoc
> #! /bin/sh
> # sh ./adhoc
> #
> device=wlan0
> sudo service network-manager stop
> sudo ip link set $device down
> sudo iwconfig $device mode ad-hoc
> sudo iwconfig $device channel 4
> sudo iwconfig $device essid 'oz'
> sudo iwconfig $device key 1324354657
> # sudo dhclient $device
> sudo ip addr add dev $device
> exit 0
> ... the iPad recognized a network "oz". I can connect by selecting the
> name "oz", WEP and for the password I just enter a space, but I don't
> get access to the Internet.
> How can I add a password and how do I add a HTTP-Proxy or what ever is
> needed?
> I already googled and I still will google myself ;) but any "let me
> google that for you", resp. any hints are welcome ;).
> Regards,
> Ralf
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