workflow in ardour?

mentoj dija mentoj_dija at
Wed Feb 8 23:27:45 UTC 2012

thanks. that will help...

Am 08.02.2012 01:04, schrieb Mike Holstein:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at 
> <mailto:zettberlin at>> wrote:
>     Am 08.02.2012 00:26, schrieb mentoj_dija at
>     <mailto:mentoj_dija at>:
>         hi,
>         i just started a little project. a kind of podcast.. but what
>         ever.
>         i record 3 signals at a time with ardour and edit them after
>         the recording to get best results. stuff i do is: limiting,
>         expanding, compressing.
>         what i always did was: i played the signals - in realtime -
>         back, put them through a calf-compressor (for example) and
>         re-record them on another track in ardour. that needs time.
>         even if the recording is just 20 minutes, i need at least 1,5
>         hours to get it done. is there a way around it?
>     of course there is
>         can i play the signal back faster than realtime for this
>         workaround?
>     kind of:
>     1.) set compressor, limiter etc. as desired
>     2.) use the range-tool to select the part of the track you want to
>     manipulate
>     3.) right klick the range and select "Consolidate range with
>     processing"
>     Ardour will render a new region with all your processing as fast
>     as your CPU can deliver ;-)
> yup... export the track, and that can happen faster than realtime, and 
> if not, at least you only need to do it one time...
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