what's cheapest desktop for ubuntustudio these days?

Gustin Johnson gustin at meganerd.ca
Mon Feb 6 07:29:58 UTC 2012

I personally start here:

Right now a midrange system built around the core i5 is a good start though
I would drop the sound card (caveat, I already have an RME) and I would go
with an ATI as opposed to the nVidia for better out of the box support.  I
only put an ATI in my system to support 3 monitors, otherwise the onboard
video should be good enough.

The upcoming Ivy Bridge should have even better on board graphics and
hopefully Intel does not miss the boat with drivers this time around.

Just my 2c

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 5:02 AM, Tom Poe <tompoe at meltel.net> wrote:

> Running Dell GX260 desktop now.  What's cheapest upgrade desktop I might
> look for, that will handle better graphics cards?  Poor man's gaming
> desktop?
> Tom
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