Has somebody a stable Ubuntu Studio NATTY 64-bit?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Mon May 30 17:44:45 UTC 2011

Hi Karl :)

today I got a RME card, very, very expensive. I'm curious about it. I
wonder if it will sound better than all the other cards I know, or if I
just spend money for nothing. I bought a B-stock (customer return), so
somebody perhaps wasn't satisfied by this card ;).

ACK, but no full ACK regarding to "Linux audio isn't that good, as
proprietary audio is". MIDI jitter for hw MIDI is an issue on all OS,
AFAIK only Nuendo should be good and still with limitations. There
should be no App for Apple or Microsoft systems, excepted of Nuendo.
Using Jack2 from svn + a2jmidi_bridge on my Maverick install had at
least for one song, completely no limitation. It was hard real-time as
good as C64, Atari ST and 80's stand alone sequencers, there was no
Regarding to audio it depends to the needs. If I should get rid of audio
loss, I'm satisfied for home recording. Just for professional work
Ardour2 IMO isn't stable enough. Sometimes it crash and sometimes still
is to often, regarding to contract penalty.



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