*Official Announcement:* Ubuntu Studio is switching to XFCE.

Anthony Hall hall.johnanthony at googlemail.com
Sun May 15 16:33:00 UTC 2011

I don't know if this helps but I first tried xfce at Mint 5. To be honest,
the only difference I really noticed was that it was faster than gnome.
Otherwise - apart from the xfce logo, there seemed little or no discernable
difference. I had an old machine back then and so my only thought is that if
xfce is faster on an old machine, how much faster on a new one?

I say try it. Whats to lose? If the community try and like, it stays, if
they try and don't like then the developers have a choice.

Look at main stream ubuntu with this ghastly unity desktop. I will put money
that ubuntu 11.10 reverts to gnome. This idea of xfce as the DE for studio
works for me because Ive used xfce before. So based on experience this is a
welcome change for me. People generally do not like change but sometimes,
just as in biological evolution, Linux must adapt to ever changing market
environments in order to keep up and survive. Xfce could be a great idea but
unless one tries it and has first hand experience, I struggle to see any
comment as constructive. There are xfce editions of various distros out
there, it costs one disc to run an OS (without installing) and to see first
hand how good xfce is. Remembering of course that it wont be as fast from
the disk.

Try it, then post?

Anthony Hall.

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Scott Lavender <scottalavender at gmail.com>wrote:

> I apologize for singling out this post, but...
> On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 3:37 AM, aYo Binitie <ayobinitie at gmail.com> wrote:
>> XFCE - I have no idea about but it was super we would not be all having
>> these rants.
>  aYo
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> I think this is a very, very poor argument.  But iyou are not alone
> however.
> I haven't read any rants in this thread (well, maybe one) but I have seen a
> lot of ignorant whinging.
> There has been a vocal minority that asked, "Why change from GNOME 2?" or
> some other variant of that statement.  But it appears that these people
> neither understand why we made a decision nor have any understanding of XFCE
> and how similar it is to GNOME 2.
> So, the "rants" are ignorant protestations about change.  This has no
> reflection on XFCE.
> I challenge you (not just you aYo, but everyone) who thinks XFCE isn't
> "super" or good or isn't GNOME 2 to actually try it.  Try it for a week.  A
> day, even.
> If someone can use XFCE and then provide a good fact based argument for not
> using XFCE *OR* can provide a viable alternative we would very much like to
> hear them.  I mean that sincerely.
> What I don't like, appreciate, or find useful is ignorant whinging without
> providing any reasons, facts, or alternatives.
> ScottL
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