*Official Announcement:* Ubuntu Studio is switching to XFCE.

Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Sat May 14 16:44:38 UTC 2011

Hi again Kenneth,

Thanks for your responses.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Kenneth Koym <koymkg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Scott:
> Sorry I don't agree with making awkward to understand release statements.
> "Official XFCE Announcement suggests to reader, the program exists already.
> Had Ubuntu Studio announced we *officially intend to build & release an
> XFCE UbuStudio in Sept 2011 *that would leave no one in the dark. Why go
> to Scott blog to review what the UbuStudio team intends? Stop the game
> playing!

I'm sorry that you found the title confusing.  I think most people found the
intent clear by the use of the future tense in "moving" however.  But again,
I am sorry that you found it misleading or awkward.

Likewise, I apologize if linking to an article that I had already written
too troubling or time consuming for you.

However, I assure your sir, that I am not playing a game.  All the active
members on this team are volunteers, no one is paid to participate.
Likewise, I understand that all the active members are working professionals
or students.  I am a supervisor for an engineering department that spans
three offices across the U.S. along with being a husband and father of three
children *and* I am project lead for Ubuntu Studio.  Again, I assure you
that I am not playing games as I do not have the time for it.

If you do not have time to click on a link (or copy and paste it into your
browser's address bar) then I cannot offer other solutions at this point.

> I contributed to last Saturday's 7 AM developer meeting @ 5:45 AM. There
> was no prelude to XFCE in the pre-meeting release.

I believe the last meeting was on April 3rd.  The question "should be [sic]
base on lxde, xfce, or something else? " was in the meeting agenda [1],
which was posted probably a week before the meeting and most likely linked
with the email announcement for the meeting, and the logs for the meeting
show that this was discussed extensively [2].

> Can't review my XFCE Studio used and built about 3 years back. I put it
> aside. An not a developer; but I believe a few errors were reported to
> launchpad. I cannot say if any are a matter of record. I left XFCE for an OS
> meeting my in house needs.

An understandable point of frustration for people is reporting bugs,
especially for derivatives of Ubuntu.  If you installed XFCE onto a Ubuntu
Studio installation the questions becomes to whom do you assign the bug, for
example.  I can empathize with this situation as I suffered it as well when
I started with Linux and Ubuntu.

I would like to use Rhythmbox for an analogy with a Ubuntu Studio

Bugs reported for Rhythmbox should be reported against the package itself,
this is typical for most applications.  Looking at the Launchpad page for
Rhythmbox [3] you can also see that the Ubuntu Desktop team is responsible
for Rythmbox's mainenance and therefore the bugs.  Reporting bugs to the
package will alert those responsible.

Reporting bugs against Ubuntu Studio for Rhythmbox will not effect any
changes, fixes, or improvments as the Ubuntu Studio team isn't responsible
for Rhythmbox's maintenance.  Furthermore, the Ubuntu Studio team doesn't
even have upload rights to the Rhythbox's archive!  I think this makes
especial sense when you consider that Rhythmbox isn't even installed by
default for Ubuntu Studio.

> Wish the team good luck. At age 72 I don't have time for bewildering
> experiences. Must personally try to work my life plan. No, I think XFCE
> Studio stinks.  My comments are intended to suggest, major drawbacks to an
> xfce-based UbuStudio OS. Based on experience, I say that OS appears to be
> pie in the sky view. It appears to have little team support. This is from me
> a user, non-developer. No I can't explain, explain, explain as my plate is
> very, very full. Thanks. Good day.
I must admit to bewildering experiences as well.

I thank you for your well wishes, although I can't say my thanks extends to
your comments about "major drawbacks to an xfce-based UbuStudio OS" as I
only perceived them as vague denunciations.

However, I admit that I greatly desire any feedback that provides facts or
provides supportable opinions for a transition to XFCE.

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I shall bid you a Good Day as well,

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011Apr3
[2] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/03/%23ubuntustudio-devel.html
[3] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox
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