XFCE's Samba support (Formerly *Official Announcement:* Ubuntu Studio is switching to XFCE.)

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp
Sat May 14 00:47:18 UTC 2011

In its release note, we can see XFCE 4.8 includes the samba protocol 


"With Xfce 4.8 our users will be able to browse remote shares using a 
variety of protocols (SFTP, SMB, FTP and many more). The window clutter 
has been reduced by merging all file progress dialogs into a single one."


Takashi Sakamoto
o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp

(2011年05月14日 09:23), Brian Bergstrom wrote:
> I think the recent 4.8 release addresses the samba issue. Someone
> correct me if I'm wrong here.
> -BB  (sent from mobile)
> On May 13, 2011 6:06 PM, "Dave" <dvb_t at iinet.com.au
> <mailto:dvb_t at iinet.com.au>> wrote:

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