Spectrum3d : software that displays the harmonics of the soundin 3D

Victor henri nadaeck at hotmail.com
Mon May 9 18:42:55 UTC 2011

Hello Bob

> Victor, 
> Yes it works, though a little slow on this test
> machine p4 1.6ghz, 756 MBRam, but I by know means
> have it optimized for this.  There is a 5 sec delay
> between speaking into sound card mic and seeing the
> display. 

5 seconds delay is *huge* indeed; does the delay increases while playing? or is it stable around 5 sec?

If the delay increases, you should try a 'lighter configuration' :  a main window's width at 700 pixels, and a longer time interval (you can find this it at Menu -> Edit -> Preferences);

If the delay is stable and your CPU is not overloaded, you could try to re-configure with the '--enable-realtime' option, to allow spectrum3d to have a higher priority (RR p=50 to be precise); note that you'll have to edit (or create) the '/etc/limits.d/security/audio.conf' file and add yourself as a member of the 'audio' group if you do that (it is explained in the doc if you want); otherwise, you'll have to run spectrum3d as root

Wich kernel are you using? A preempt would probably have better results, but this is probably tweaking a bit more your system...

I have ten test machines with different
> os's, up to a quad core 2.8ghz and 8gb ram, so I can
> try many different ways.  

Indeed, on this machine, it should rock :-)

There is a realtime audio analysis and display in 3d.... this is CPU and GPU consuming...

> I already had libgtk2.0-dev, but still got errors
> during make (not during ./configure) about missing
> libgtk+-2...
> So I compiled it from source, after meeting several
> of it's dependencies.  

This concerns me; it should work out of the box with just libgtk2.0-dev installed. Wich Debian and libgtk+2.0 version are you using?

> I have notes on all this on the test machine if you
> are interested.  

Yes please; i'm interested! 

Thank you for this

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