Spectrum3d : software that displays the harmonics of the sound in 3D

Victor henri nadaeck at hotmail.com
Sun May 8 17:19:41 UTC 2011

Hello Bob

> Victor, 
> I'm very interested in checking this out, but I'm not
> finding ppa's for 
> libgtk+...

You are probably looking for libgtk2.0-dev package, which is in the official packages of Debian ( http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/libgtk2.0-dev ); if you install this, you should have all it's dependencies installed with it.

You do not need anyaditional  PPA for Spectrum3d : everything should be in the repositories (with an exception for Geis : it is in the repo for Natty; for Debian, I think it is not available yet unless you build it yourself from sources in the *testing* version only)

Please let me know if you have any trouble and thank you for your interrest 


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