Spectrum3d : software that displays the harmonics of the sound in 3D

Victor henri nadaeck at hotmail.com
Thu May 5 19:19:46 UTC 2011


I'd like to introduce Spectrum3d, a new software that displays harmonics of the sound in 3D, with openGL.

Audio source can be the microphone or an audio file, and it is Jack compatible. Optionally, it can be run in real-time when not runing with Jack; also optionally, it can receive multitouch input (either from touchscreen, or from touchpad). 

X represents frequencies, Y represents amplitude of each frequencies and Z represents time. The perspective can be changed either by rotating or by translating the display around or along the 3 axis without limitations.

Here is a quick link to a demo video :  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCVxDNbcqRE

It can be found here : http://www.presences.org/download/spectrum3d-0.2.2.tar.bz2

And here is a link to a tutorial explaining how it works : http://www.presences.org/spectrum3d_tutorial_en.html

It is free and under GPL licence. It uses the Gtk+, SDL, OpenGL, Gstreamer and uTouch-Geis free librairies. It works on Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04, but should work on other distributions also.  It is still beta; testers are welcome. Thank you for your attention.


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