M-Audio Audiophile 192

Hartmut Noack zettberlin at linuxuse.de
Mon Jan 31 16:15:05 UTC 2011

Am 31.01.2011 16:27, schrieb Karl Giesing:
>> Does anyone here has the M-Audio Audiophile 192? Or know if it works well?
> I have not owned the 192, but I do own the Audiophile 2496 (which is an older version of the same card).

Well, to some extent: yes. But the 192 has a different chipset. It 
should be supported well also though.

> I've never had a single problem with the 2496, on any platform, and it's pretty much plug-and-play on UbuStu since 8.04 (at least).

So you do not use recent versions of Ubuntu with Pulse Audio enabeled?

> In general, M-Audio PCI devices play really well with Linux, and are extremely good-sounding cards for the money.
> I've been told to stay away from their USB devices, however -
 > not because of Linux incompatibility, but because of general 

Sad but true. I have a Mobile Pre USB from MAudio and in terms of 
performance and sound-quality, it is not much better than the Behringer 
UControl (that comes for around 30Euros)

> -Karl.

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