Fernando's comment on Ubuntu Distro's where the Tascam US-122 worked out of the box

Brian David beejunk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 16:54:51 UTC 2011

> On a total tangent - can any of you comment (in lay terms if possible) on
> the real-time kernel? I was under the impression that Ubuntu Studio utilizes
> a real time kernel, making it superior to other OS's, distros or flavors of
> Ubuntu. I thought I had read somewhere that this RTK has been abandoned and
> will not be available anymore? Comments?
> Casey

Here's the situation on real-time kernels.

For Lucid:

There is a real-time kernel in the official Ubuntu repositiories, the
package is called linux-rt.  It is not installed automatically by
Ubuntu Studio, because it is based off an older version of the vanilla
Ubuntu kernel.  It still works well, though.  A lot of people on this
list (perhaps most, and including myself) use the kernels in Alessio
Bogani's PPA, information for which can be found here:


For Maverick:

There are no official real-time kernels available for Maverick.  Some
people seem to have successfully used Bogani's Natty kernels with
Maverick, so that is perhaps an option.  There are other PPAs
available, as well, and you could build your own kernel, too.

For Natty:

At this point, the kernels available in Bogani's PPA are the wants you
will want to use for Natty.  There will no longer be any real-time
kernels in any official repositories, for various reasons, including
lack of enough support to maintain one.  It is a goal to have one of
the low latency kerenls that Bogani has developed be put into an
official repo for Natty, but I have not recently heard about how that
is going.

There are other issues with real-time in Maverick and Natty that have
recently come to light.  This page will fill you in:


I'm not positive about this, but I think Bogani's kernels have been
updated to solve this problem.

By the way, I'm glad to hear you've got your interface working.

-Brian David

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