Reply to Tim and HZN regarding comments on Tascam US-122 on Lucid

Thomas Orgis thomas-forum at
Mon Jan 10 10:40:22 UTC 2011

Am Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:09:18 +0100
schrieb Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at>: 

> In short: try a differnt distro. My first recommendations would be 
> AVLinux

Yes, an AVLinux DVD is always handy -- it's a pre-configured live system that you don't need to install to do audio work with. Just try it once; see if your tascam is detected there and then one could also try to identify what's missing in ubuntu. Meanwhile, you indeed can get some work done in AVLinux itself. Though, the current version has funny ardour2 behaviour when you try to disconnect/reconnect to JACK (it crashes with a wine dialog box, I guess the VST support is to blame). As long as you don't do that, you can get recordings done. I did;-)

But AVLinux is not that convenient when you want to install it as everyday system, IMHO. It is great when the existing collection of software does the job for you, though. And its rather static nature makes it easy not to bother for updates that just could break your working setup;-)

> (should have Alsa-firmwareloader on board) and Pure:Dyne. But 
> OpenSuse or Mandriva may do the job as well and they can be tweaked 
> quite easily for realtime-audio.
> I run Fedora plus CCRMA and OpenSuse 11.2 plus jengelh-Kernel and 
> pack-man packages. Both work very good for me...

I must say that ubuntu studio 10.04 also works nicely now for me. I got a recent kernel from "the" PPA (just forgot which one, but there is only one realtime/lowlatency/... variant for lucid, as I recall) and built Ardour 2 myself to get the most recent version. I don't have much to complain right now (even with the FireWire setup;-). I'm don't exactly remember anymore what I did do to pulseaudio, but I do have things set up so that all sound goes through JACK.

> best of luck ;-)

And don't forget to "Have fun"! ;-)

Alrighty then,


PS: And yes, I would prefer a more rugged, stable Ardour 2 instead of Ardour 3 that can do MIDI with another ton of bugs:-/
Have to look into traverso again ...
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