Chiming in on the 'cheap-usb-audio-interface' conversation

Kenneth Koym koymkg at
Sun Jan 9 07:42:00 UTC 2011

am a 71 year old newbie who's provided 65,000+ volunteer hours I ask that
you be patient with all of us; linux applications take time to work through
and for one, I'd say what fellow Ubuntu users do for one another is
spectacular considering we commit to helping one another year in and year
out. I thank you for sharing the mystery that Tascam US-122 brought you. If
you have not yet done so, tell more symptoms associated with the problem you
are having. Post them. Perhaps another user with more experience than you or
I can guide you to a solution. It is possible that you may click on System >
Administration > Synaptic Package Manager that you may put Tascam US-122
into the finder and click on install Tascam US-122, which I believe will
uninstall and reinstall Tascam US-122. If that program truly does what it is
supposed to do, this procedure may cause the system to cure itself. Plus, if
you get odd outputs, posting those back here may bring you help. Sorry, I
cannot bring you a complete solution. Good luck but again, be patient. Ken

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:30 AM, Casey Forslund <cforslund at> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I am a newbie with Ubuntu (1yr): I've been running 10.04 Lucid (studio)
> lately and I've been blown away at how tough it has been to find a soul out
> there who has the skills of knowledge to troubleshoot or problem solve
> getting my Tascam US-122 (which is a device that fits the exact description
> of the topic I'm replying to) to work with Ubuntu. I have read EVERY posting
> on the forums, official and unofficial, got a hold of some VERY
> knowledgeable and extremely helpful Ubuntu veterans, but my US-122 is still
> dead in the water. I'm just wondering if any of you wants to have mercy on
> me and see if you can come up with any options I can pursue. I guess the
> second part of this message is that if no one out there can help me, don't
> buy a tascam US-122, as I have spent (genuinely) over 30 hours of my time
> trying to get this thing to even blink, to no avail. From a noob's (very
> limited) perspective, I am quite disappointed in the Studio version of
> Ubuntu, as it hasn't been able to work with my hardware, even after tons of
> homework, consulting, trial and error etc.
> --
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