cheap usb-audio-interface

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Fri Jan 7 16:06:40 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 16:05 +0100, Thomas Orgis wrote:
> Also, my guitarist didn't complain about latency when hooking up the guitar to a software amp via the io|2 and JACK. Works.

A fixed latency above 11 ms for a guitarist works. It's possible to make
music with a fixed latency ex 20 ms, perhaps not enjoyable. But any
jitter with just 0.x ms will break every groove. Unfortunately everybody
is worrying about latency, but jitter. Jitter for PC, Linux and Windows,
is a big problem, because neither Linux nor Windows for audio and
especially for MIDI do 'real' real-time, regarding to jitter, in
contrast standalone devices today might do and oldish computers definite
I suspect real-time kernels for CAD, e.g. the kernel-rtai being better
than the kernel-rt or ASIO for audio real-time, but I might be wrong.
Btw. the kernel-rtai doesn't work for audio.

YMMV, 2 Cents,


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