Alesis io 2 express (was: cheap usb-audio-interface)

mentoj dija mentoj_dija at
Fri Feb 11 19:36:43 UTC 2011

what are your parameters?`

On 11.02.2011 13:25, Tim Cook wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-02-11 at 13:16 +0100, mentoj dija wrote:
>> thanks for the answer,
>> i dont blame the interface. i'm sure there is a solution. i'll check out
>> your configurations later and report. by the way: i got a firepod
>> running very well on this pc. so it's just a matter of drivers i think.
>> this is actually a present for a friend. so maybe its not very wise to
>> keep it running on my pc. i'll probably have other problems on her
>> laptop. so hang on for now with more answers...
> Just to add a +1
> My io2 express works just fine also.
> Best,
> Tim

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