Reinstalling fresh

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Fri Apr 29 17:04:19 UTC 2011

Try switching the video driver to the nouveau one.  In the past I have
had a lot of similar issues with the proprietary driver combined with
the realtime kernels.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Mike Holstein <mikeh789 at> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 7:06 PM, tommy <allornothin.tommy at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was wondering if anyone knew what the most stable setup (Ubuntu
>> Studio version, Jack'd version, Ardour version) would be for using
>> primarily Ardour.
>> I have been recording large sessions (30-40 tracks) for about 3 months
>> with Studio 10.04 and the 2.6.31-9 rt kernel and have been having
>> issue's with ardour and jackd crashing what seems like randomly. I
>> haven't been able to reproduce it. It doesn't matter if it is a giant
>> session or a small session I will get a segmentation fault anywhere
>> between 10 minutes to 4 hours. Sometimes several in a row and
>> sometimes not at all for an entire 5 hour recording session. I am
>> using 2 mackie onyx 1640's via onboard firewire on a Dell studio
>> (desktop) with a 2.33 Ghz quad core and 6 gig's of DDR2. Also an
>> Nvidia 9800 GTX. I'm just not sure where to go to fix my stability
>> problems. I don't know if it is my firewire chipset or the drivers I'm
>> using. I read somewhere that using nvidia drivers could cause the
>> problems. Maybe my harddrives are to slow? I am willing to go to a
>> barebones install if need be. I don't need the install to do anything
>> but record in ardour and master in jammin. It just looks really bad
>> when I am recording a band and I have to tell them to hold on while I
>> restart ardour or the computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>> Thank you!
>> Tommy
> check your firewire chipset, and also run in a terminal
> cat /proc/interrupts
> and see what devices are sharing IRQ settings...
> i have ubuntu 10.04 and i have started using the KXstudio ppa's with it...
> however, even before that, with your same sofware setup, and a P4 with a gig
> of ram, i had a very stable firewire rig using a texas instruments chipset,
> and a presonus firepod... i have a faster machine now, but still, its
> running 10.04 and with any kernel, its stable... check on those couple
> things, and lets go from there
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