Presonus Firepod FP10

Brian David beejunk at
Mon Apr 18 20:32:44 UTC 2011

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 7:58 AM, mentoj dija <mentoj_dija at> wrote:
> yea i do. works with ardour 2. ardour 3? what the frog? did i missed smth?

Yeah, Ardour 3 has been in alpha testing for a few weeks.  Exciting!
I've yet to try it, but I'm going to soon.

I also have a Firepod, and it works very well with Ubuntu Studio.
I've even done daisy-chaining with two Firepods, and it worked
perfectly.  A reasonably priced way to get 16 inputs with pre-amps.

-Brian David

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