Maverick and Delta 1010lt

Erik Rasmussen MailForErik at
Mon Apr 11 16:07:46 UTC 2011

Didn't Filipe Lopes (who has done some really great work with KXStudio) do
something to automatically force/route all audio through Jack by default, in

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but it sounds like whatever it is that
Filipe did in KXStudio has potential to solve your issue if you could
reproduce that in Ubuntu Studio.

Makes me wonder if what Filipe did in KXStudio, (with automatically forcing
*all* audio through Jack), would be beneficial for Ubuntu Studio audio, in

*I don't know exactly what it is he did to achieve this though.  Perhaps
Filipe might chime in?*

I guess it doesn't work for Maverick. My Maverick seems to be very good for
audio production, but I still have to set up countless

IMO we should get rid of PA.


I've been using US 10.04 for awhile on an older machine. I picked up a newer
machine and decided to move my Delta 1010lt card to this machine and install
US 10.10. What a nightmare it has been as I've been dealing with issues with
lowlatency kernels, nvidia drivers and now the 1010lt card. Let me tell you
this is not for the faint of heart as I've been working at this for 4-5 days

Anyways, I won't go into the nvidia issues and the lowlatency kernel issues
for now. What I'm trying to get working is sound through my
1010lt at least. I've actually got an on board sound card that I've disabled
in BIOS so I can focus on the 1010lt. I'm able to get sound
out of the card using Jack and Hydrogen and I even get a test sound from the
terminal with aplay. However, I'm not getting squat for
system sounds, audacious, firefox etc. I can't believe this problem with the
ICE1712 cards has been around for so long and there is
nothing but numerous workarounds and they work part of the time, but not all
of the time. Now, I'm just hopelessly lost in workaround hell.

Ok, so ranting off now. I followed several bug reports and I think those
have at least allowed me to get the sound card working through
Jack. However, I still have no sound via the system. Any ideas on what I can
do to get this sovled? Any nice, easy to follow (all solutions in one easy
thread instead of following numerous links with just a small fix each)
solutions out there? Would it be better to get the BIOS sound card working
for system sounds and the 1010lt for Jack etc? I would like to be able to
record some "system sounds" like sound clips from video files or other such
stuff, but I think that can be done through some of the Jack pluggins.

Should I just wait until 11.04 comes out and hope most of this has been
addressed? I think the lowlatency is being better addressed in
Natty at least.

Thank you for any suggestions you may have.

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