help, jackd crashing, don't know why

Ralf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Apr 10 12:39:43 UTC 2011

On Sun, 2011-04-10 at 13:16 +0100, mark wrote:
> On 10/04/11 10:50, Ralf wrote:
> > PA needs to be turned of by default.
> +1
> Mark

I never disabled PA myself, for 64 Studio 3.3, based on Ubuntu, it's
disabled by default.
Perhaps some of those howtos will work?!

Mark or anybody else, do you know how to disable PA for Maverick GNOME
sessions or how to disable it completely?

I guess I'll try one of those howtos within the next days.

'How do I get rid of PulseAudio?

    * This has changed, since it's using autospawn. You need to disable
that by editing /etc/pulse/client.conf and changing "autospawn = yes" on
line 26 to "autospawn = no". Additionally, if this is a clean install,
not an upgrade, you'll need to add your user to the audio group with
sudo adduser USER audio replacing USER with your username.'

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