rt kernel

ailo ailo.at at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 12:40:46 UTC 2011

On 04/06/2011 12:54 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> How have you tested? What results have you obtained? If you want
>> convince someone else you should provide testing procedures and
>> numeric results.
> If I play a MIDI track with external MIDI equipment, DX7, Matrix-1000,
> D4, TG33 and others with 1000 Hz timer and record it to an audio track
> and watch the files by Audacity, I can see that there's more jitter,
> than when using the HR timer.
> I also recorded kick, hi hat and snare one after the other and the
> rhythm didn't groove anymore.
> On LAD, 64 Studio lists, perhaps JACK devel and others too I posted
> tests years ago. All regarding to this issue and other sync issues,
> because Linux lacks on sync.

How recently have you tested -generic and -lowlatency?


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