[Ardour-Users] Suggestions please

Brett Clark brett.clark at zirous.com
Mon Nov 15 17:14:29 GMT 2010

This was the method i used many years ago when i started home recording, but
it was with a desktop instead of a laptop so my experience may be different
from yours.  My soundcard was onboard with the motherboard so i was always
getting hum from the cooling fans and weird chirps and buzzing noises from
the mobo (especially when it accessed the hard drives).  The noises were
always quiet yet perceivable by anyone listening.  I dont recall the
specifics but i think the noise was right around -35db.  This made noise
gating problematic and its was loud enough to hear in any quieter recorded
tracks.  I tried notch filters but they always seemed to carve away more
good stuff than bad.

The long and the short of it is: give it a try, but dont bet any money on


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Fábio Magnoni <fabiohmagnoni at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I have a Line 6 X3 Live and I posted here sometimes about how to record
> using USB cable. But there's no driver to use in this way, I'm gonna try to
> record using the X3 Live, with a adapter (1/4 to 1/8) cable, on my notebook
> record channel, with my poor audio card hehe.
> Will I have a good quality? Does anyone tried this before?
> []s
> --
> Fábio Réa
> Eng. de Computação - PUC-Campinas 2010
> Diretor de Recursos Humanos - Associação Informatica Junior - PUC-Campinas
> www.infojunior.com.br
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