Tasks, Workflows, and Packages for Ubuntu Studio Natty

Pablo Fernandez pablo.fbus at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 20:58:30 GMT 2010

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Scott Lavender
<scottalavender at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello again.
> We are almost a month from the first Alpha image for Ubuntu Studio and I
> wanted to share an update about Ubuntu Studio Natty Narwhal 11.04.
> I had mentioned before on the mailing list that in an effort to make Ubuntu
> Studio more effective and proficient we were identifying tasks that a user
> might want to accomplish with Ubuntu Studio.  Additionally workflows were
> developed to support these tasks which include which packages might be
> required a general set of actions required to accomplish said tasks.
> Developing these workflows helps us in numerous ways, including identifying
> a package set, providing framework for user documentation, and providing a
> path for testing.  This email will focus on identifying a package set.
> For those who are interesting, and I would hope most would be, you can find
> the task and workflow wiki page at:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows
> All users are encouraging to peruse this page and add their contributions!
> We only ask that if you have a differing workflow that one that is already
> extant, please add yours as an "alternative" and do not remove the other.
> Before going further I want to explain more about what I mean when I use
> the term "package set".  This term is a reference to the applications
> installed by default with Ubuntu Studio.  These packages are NOT being
> removed from the archives.  You can always install these packages at any
> time, by any method of choice.  We are only discussing the inclusion of
> these package on the Ubuntu Studio ISO.

> Right.  Now that we have that out of the way, I want to inform you how the
> currently installed package set will change for Natty.
> These will be "new" packages (or applications) installed by default when
> installing Ubuntu Studio:
>  * guitarix
>  * hydrogen-drumkits
>  * lashd
>  * mscore (to replaces denemo and lilypond)
>  * phasex
>  * qtractor (to replace seq24)
>  * specimen
>  * whysynth
>  * yoshimi (to replace zynaddsubfx)
> These are packages (or applications) that are currently included with
> Ubuntu Studio, but will no longer be:
>  * aconnectgui
>  * audacity
>  * beast
>  * bitscope
>  * bristol
>  * csound
>  * denemo (replaced by mscore)
>  * freebirth
>  * freqtweak
>  * genpo
>  * jackeq
>  * jacktools
>  * jdelay
>  * lillypond (replaced by mscore)
>  * lmms
>  * mixxx
>  * muse
>  * qamix
>  * seq24 (replaced by qtractor)
>  * terminatorx
>  * timemachine
>  * timidity
>  * tk707
>  * xwax
>  * zynaddsubfx
> Again, the goal is to make Ubuntu Studio more effective and proficient, in
> essence more useful.  Users want to accomplish a task (e.g. mix a song), not
> just run an application.  The current status of the package set (
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageSelectionDevelopment) was
> developed to assist users accomplish tasks.
> If an application is listed to no longer be included with Ubuntu Studio but
> you want it to be, then please identify a task that requires it and develop
> a workflow at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows
> This is your chance to directly influence which applications are included
> with Ubuntu Studio.
> ScottL

Hi Scott, Hi everybody!

Well, I suggest another section under the audio tasks, which I would name
"Rehearsal and Education" or something similar.  I really wish gtklick
replaces gtick and vmpk replaces vkeybd because they are better for these

Task: Use the computer as a metronome

Explanation: Sometimes you need to practice your favourite instrument and
your pocket metronome is nowhere to be found.

Requirements: An instrument to play

Applications Used - JACK, qjackctl, gtklick

Start JACK with qjackctl
Start gtklick (the first time, you might want to "Edit -> Preferences ->
Automatically connect to soundcard output")
Choose meter and tempo (More options in the View menu)
Start the metronome
Start playing your instrument trying to follow the click

Further information: http://das.nasophon.de/gtklick/

Notes: gtick is not jack-aware and it does not work out of the box. gtklick
is rock solid with jack and it works out of the box in a jack environment.

Task: Learn the piano

Explanation: Watch a piano keyboard highlighting the keys as a midi file or
a real midi keyboard is playing

Requirements: A real midi piano keyboard, if possible.

Applications used: JACK, qjackctl, a2jmidid, patchage (optional) qsynth (or
another softsynth, if there is a midi keyboard), mscore, vmpk
Start JACK with qjackctl
Execute a2jmidid
Start mscore
Edit -> Preferences -> Use internal synthetiser. Jack Audio Server. Use JACK
MIDI output (1 port). Restart mscore (restarting is only needed the first
Start vmpk
In qjackctl or patchage, connect the jack midi port of mscore to the a2j
vmpk midi input
Play the demo and watch vmpk highlighting the notes in real time. as you
hear the music.
If you have a midi keyboard:
Start qsynth (load a soundfont if not loaded)
In qjackctl or patchage, connect the midi keyboard ouput to qsynth midi
input and qsynth audio output to the system: playbacks.
Play the midi keyboard and watch vmpk highlithing the notes in realtime as
you hear the music.
Prepare lessons for the students

Further information: http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/ (don't miss the video

As a further comment, I wish Natty includes jack_capture as a simple jack
recorder. Adding to the original task in the wiki:
Simple recording of concert, conversation etc

Explanation - Simple recording of incoming signals (analog or digital) down
to disk. Typical application would be recording of a concert. No low-latency
is needed here, so Jack might be overkill (unless a FW card is used).

Applications Used - Audacity (as an alternative, qarecord?)


   - start Audacity
   - setup Audacity to use the right inputs and the right filename
   - click "record"

Alternative in a jack environment:

Explanation: Record what you hear through the speakers. Jack_capture is a
simple jack_aware recorder with an inuitive gui that autoconnects to its
capture input ports all the audio ports that are connected to the system:
playbacks. It can record directly to mp3, ogg, flac and wav.

Aplications used: JACK, qjackctl, jack_capture_gui2

Start JACK with qjackctl
Launch jack_capture_gui2
Set the audio format to record
Click Record

Cheers! Pablo
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