video stutter

Patrick Gleason patrickegleason at
Thu May 13 19:35:26 BST 2010

What are the specs of your machine? (if you don't mind me asking) Have you
updated Flash? Have you experienced the same problems using VLC? Did this
happen on 9.10 or whatever you were running previously?

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 8:39 AM, bart deruyter <bart.deruyter at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Running ubuntustudio 10.04 I seem to have a lot of trouble with the
> playback of video. At first I thought it was a slow internet connection when
> playing flash video online, but it happens on local video, all types of
> video, from mp4 to mpg2, flv, mkv...
> Mostly trouble starts after pauzing for a while. I had this problem before
> when playing from a DVD because the content has to be read from the disk,
> that's normal I guess, but now it always happens when playing files on the
> harddrive too.
> For online video it is really a problem, because on short video's I even
> can't see any motion anymore. Playback of audio is not stuttering though.
> I have found a bug in the ubuntu bugtracker that could be compared with
> what I experience, but there seems to be only one other person affected by
> this : #572580<>. The difference is that my audio does not have difficulties. Perhaps I
> should file a new bug for this.
> Is there anyone who has a similar problem, or even a solution for it?
> grtz,
> Bart
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