Studio + KDE

TSH tsh.gmane at
Thu May 13 00:39:46 BST 2010

On Wed, 12 May 2010 14:56:45 -0500, Kenneth Koym wrote:

> Stewart H.
>    Sounds like you've ended up with limitations I found after loading a
>    xfce
> version of ubuntu known as xbuntu. Myself, I removed all the xfce I
> could using synaptic manager but here's a short cut. Though I have not
> done what the guru at
> advises, last night I reviewed his guidance with regard to perfecting
> Kubuntu, which is run off of KDE, which you are asking about. Clicking
> on the above http, you may review the advice given. And, if you like
> what is said, I believe you'll solve the issues you have. I find cryptic
> expressions guru a little hard to read but he's thorough and has many
> followers who rave about his help on Fact of matter,
> there's a link from the http to if you wish to verify
> before you follow his guidance about 10.04 lucid lynx updating relative
> to your black screen. Yes, I believe Kubuntu will handle UbuStudio. Good
> luck! Kenneth

Thanks for that. I've sorted out what's going on - when I installed Knode 
and Amarok. they brought a bit of KDE stuff with them; enough to make a 
'phantom' KDE session in the login options. So for the time being I've 
uninstalled them both, together with all the stuff they brought with 
them, and that has sorted out the phantom KDE option. A pity, because 
they both played nicely with my last installation of Ubuntu, even though 
they are built for KDE environments.

But I'm still a bit puzzled why Scribus won't conform with the native 
Gnome theme I've set. Is it a QT issue, I wonder?

Stewart H.

Posting via Gmane

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