not sure where to ask this question, about the audio production possibilities...

G L Romeu romeug at
Sun Mar 28 02:11:39 BST 2010

I have been on the graphics end of computers, everything from photo 
through layout to 3d for cad/cam, and therefore my initial interest in 
studio.  I had a past of guitar playing, some electric but the majority 
acoustic.  I have both and a small amp.
Anyway, I teach computer literacy at the Trenton (NJ USA) Area Soup 
Kitchen (in the USA, soup kitchens are non profits providing meals for 
those less fortunate, many being homeless) and am also involved with 
their art group, mostly documenting and archiving their work.  There is 
a very involved musical group that meet every week, practice a bit, 
perform here and there, and a couple of the musicians are quite adept. 
They have a minimal amount of instrumentation including a trapset, 
couple sets of keyboards, an electric bass and guitar, as well as an 
acoustic guitar.  few microphones as well.  i am not sure if there is a 
mixer, but i know that they have amplifiers.  they do covers and 
original music.
It seems that within Ubuntu Studio is a wealth of potential for this 
group, and i would like to get a bit familiar with some key programs, 
learn some of the potential ways of interfacing the instruments and amps 
with the computer and programs, and getting enough knowledge to do an 
effective presentation and get them interested in pursuing a new tool 
for their arsenal.  I have gotten a couple of people interested in the 
computer labs with gimp and open office, and i think the paradigm of the 
open source of such quality is perfect for those with musical inclinations.
I have an older laptop which i am running a dual boot with ubuntu studio 
currently, USB-1 ports, firewire, pcmcia, seriel, pport, network/modem 
and mike/headphone outputs. I have access to an older but not too shabby 
desktop machines (newer than my laptop) that I can also run a dual boot 
for this purpose.
Does anyone have some programs that i should concentrate on to start 
with, and any other advice?  There seems to be so much 
available....thanks, gabriel
G L Romeu

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