Motherboard compatibility - AMD
Fernando Gomes
f.m.gomes at
Thu Jul 29 10:36:10 BST 2010
I'm thinking of upgrading my Ubuntu Studio PC, and to avoid all the problems
I had with the current one (lock or slow mouse on a setup based on an MSI
7312 motherboard), can you recommend a 'working' setup (specially the
motherboard, due to all the known ACPI problems with the RT kernels)? I
intend to "upgrade" my current setup (MSI board) with an ASUS motherboard
with a Athlon II CPU. Some of the motherboards I've identified are:
ASUS M2N68-AM PLUS - NVIDIA nForce 630a + Geforce 7025 GPU
Asus M4A785D-M Pro - AMD 785G chipset
ASUS M4A785TD-M EVO - AMD 785G chipset
Any of you have any of these boards working with Ubuntu Studio (with RT
kernel)? I also had a previous PC with the AMD780G chipset and had similar
problems with the RT kernel, that was the reason to change to the one I have
now (with the MSI7312 motherboard, using the K9MM-V chipset), but still have
almost the same issues - freezing after boot, mouse getting very slow after
some seconds / minutes of use, etc. Or can you suggest any other known
working setup?
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 8:10 AM, laurent.bellegarde <
laurent.bellegarde at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> nice to see that you have found a solution for your install.
> I'll keep your excellents tests infos for all the futur users.
> Thank's,
> Laurent
> Fernando Gomes wrote:
> > I've used the article to try to
> > debug the ACPI problem, and the results were the following:
> >
> > acpi=off - Working, as I told in the previous email
> > acpi=ht - Also working
> > pci=noacpi - Also working
> > acpi=noirq - Also working
> > pnpacpi=off - This is the only one that keep the same problems (slow
> > mouse, etc.)
> > noapic - Working
> > nolapic - Working
> >
> > So, only the pnpacpi=off has the previous problems. The only
> > conclusion I can get is that the problem is not related to the plug
> > and play code, but I can't figure from the previous results how to
> > narrow down the problem, since every other variant works.
> >
> > It also seems that using nolapic I have more processing reported by
> > the jack control (always using the same applciations open and playing
> > the same drum track on hydrogen, I have a value between 2.2% and 2.5%
> > with all the ACPI options except with nolapic where the values are
> > between 2.6% and 3%
> >
> > Fernando
> >
> > On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Fernando Gomes <f.m.gomes at>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi all and thanks for the tips. The problem seems to be solved (at
> >> least until now) using the option acpi=off. I'm writing this message
> >> on the rt kernel on the same machine that locked up only a few moments
> >> after booting, now it is working for about one hour, running jack,
> >> ZynAddSubFx, Rosegarden, Hydrogen and Rackarrack. Once again thanks
> >> for your advice.
> >> I've tried to look for a newer bios version for this board but I'm
> >> already using the latest version. How this acpi=off option will impact
> >> on the system performance? I will make some more tests using
> >> alternative acpi configurations tomorrow and I'll let you know the
> >> results.
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Fernando
> >>
> >> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Scott Lavender <
> scottalavender at> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Roy Damen <roydamen at> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Dear John,
> >>>>
> >>>> On my machine i had a similar problem with rt. After more than 1,5
> year of
> >>>> searching, trying out and lots of help with explanation on the
> ubuntuforums
> >>>> i discovered that it was this BIOS setting that must be turned off:
> >>>> It seems that ubuntu can manage this by itself(if i understood
> correctly) I
> >>>> bet this solves your problem too!
> >>>>
> >>>> 2010/5/7 jONE <producjohns at>
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi Fernando I've got an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ processor too and had
> >>>>> problems with the RT kernel since I first installed 8.04 onwards. I
> tried
> >>>>> pretty much everything until a few days ago, when I simply "loaded
> optimized
> >>>>> settings" on my BIOS and believe it or not, no mouse delay and no
> hanging at
> >>>>> all. My hammerfall soundcard's delay <10ms recording 16channels. I
> honestly
> >>>>> don't know what setting in the BIOS messed it up since "optimized
> settings"
> >>>>> or "default settings" options don't specify much and I've tweaked the
> thing
> >>>>> so many times I lost track of what the original setting was! Maybe
> give that
> >>>>> a try?
> >>>>> Good luck!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> John
> >>>>>
> >>> I remember several years ago there were some problems with peoples
> systems
> >>> acting sluggish or freezing with the -rt kernel during Hardy. If I
> remember
> >>> correctly it had to do with acpi, although I cannot find any of those
> emails
> >>> on the mailing list.
> >>>
> >>> However, I did find a Ubuntu Studio review by Dave Phillips that also
> >>> mentions the acpi situation:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Also, this 64Studio forum posts discusses it a little more:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Hope this helps.
> >>>
> >>> ScottL
> >>>
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