Testing Ubuntu Studio amd64 ISO Image
laurentc at iol.ie
Mon Jul 26 19:09:11 BST 2010
I could have a go at it this week end
let me know if that is too late
Le lundi 26 juillet 2010 à 17:16 +0000, ScottALavender at gmail.com a
écrit :
> Hello All,
> If anyone could help test the amd64 ubuntu studio iso before the end
> of the week, it would be greatly appreciated:
> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4242
> It is important to make sure these test get completed or otherwise we
> may not see the next Alpha ISO image released for testing. And every
> opportunity to test the ISO is a chance to reduce the number of
> problems experienced in a full release!
> Thank you,
> ScottL
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