Tom Rausner tom at
Tue Jan 19 22:35:01 GMT 2010

Hi Sean.

tir, 19 01 2010 kl. 09:27 -0500, skrev Sean Corbett:
> It looks like the PlaylistGen.aspx is simply a script on the server
> side that fetches the movie or playlist -- the .aspx means that they
> are running Microsoft's .NET framework on their server.  What type of
> movie it is would be determined by the MIME type the server returns to
> your browser, which might be difficult to determine if the site is not
> working properly.  Can you give the URL of the site?

I most certenly can; 
is the url to Denmarks Radio's homepage

is the channel

is the page of this specific programseries (a scientific one)

the url I send in my first mail

is the path to a specific episode, from this location;

Tom Rausner
If one person thinks he's a monkey it's called insanity...
If a billion persons think they are monkies it's called evolution !

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