dead mouse acer aspire 5517 LT

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at
Mon Dec 27 03:15:03 GMT 2010

What triggered it? ...maybe you can do it into an older kernel to test...
On Dec 26, 2010 10:09 PM, "Kenneth Koym" <koymkg at> wrote:
> anyone please advise,,, using 10.04.02 Ubuntu Studio, my wireless went
dead, followed by a dead mouse. did a workaround in terminal and clicking
off and on followed by clicking f5, which elicited a wireless connection.
This let me boot up and log in after a lot of rebellious fighting back. But,
I could never recover my mouse, which is like a dead Laptop.
> is there a work around. sure need the laptop.
> Kenneth
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What triggered it?... maybe you can boot into an older kernel...
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