Shifting pitch in a MIDI file?

Hartmut Noack zettberlin at
Tue Dec 14 00:20:54 GMT 2010

Am 14.12.2010 00:50, schrieb Ralf Mardorf:

> Yep, IMO the issue is solved and a report to Rui, the coder of the
> 'Q'thingies  (or to the folks who program FluidSynth) might be useful.
> There should be no need for musicians without technical knowledge, to
> run into this trouble. Sample rate conversion should be done
> automatically.

No, it should not.

While it is perfectly OK for a mediaplayer do handle samplerate-issues, 
  productive audio software can suffer a decrease of performance, if it 
handles such conversions. So samplerate-conversion is clearly *not* a 

>> Ángel de Vicente
>> --
>> High Performance Computing Support PostDoc
>> Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
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