Start 2 functions of apps at same point of time

Rolf Krüger rolf-krueger at
Sun Aug 22 15:28:53 BST 2010

Am 22.08.2010 16:19, schrieb Dennis Neumeier:
> I'm sorry if I'm asking a probably dumb question, but I never had to use what 
> I want to do now:
> Is there any easy solution to start 2 functions of 2 different apps at the 
> precise same point of time? Let me give you an example: I'm recording with 
> Ardour (only a bass guitar) and now, to make all a little bit "fuller", I want 
> to start a drum pattern I did with Hydrogen at a certain point of time. But is 
> there any way to start Hydrogen at a precise point of time of a recorded track 
> in Ardour?
Hi Dennis,

Stuff like this is one of the reasons Jack (the sound server) was
intended for :-)
In Ardour set yor sync to "Jack" in the symbol bar and klick the "Time
Master" knob. Then Hydrogen will automagically pick up the tempo you
have set in Ardour and start synchronically. Make sure, that Hydrogen is
in "Song" mode. Otherwise it will only playback the currently selected
pattern over and over again. You can also start/stop with the hydrogen
knobs, then Ardour will start synchronically.

BTW: Most of the other applications can use Jack for synchronizing time.
I often use Muse to play Midifiles, Hydrogen for Drums and Ardour for my
audio recordings and everthing is perfectly in time.

What I like most about this setup is, that you can route all your
instruments (yes, every single Drumsound from Hydrogen) through
Busses(!!!!! not Tracks!!!!!) in Ardour and use the effects and mixer
section of Ardour for the complete mix.


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