Ubuntu Studio 10.04 availability?

Ricardo Lameiro ricardolameiro at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 13:10:00 BST 2010

Hello Erik.

UbuntuStudio is out. It was out at the same time that ubuntu, all the test
cases were made. The only thing is that www.ubuntustudio.org is not updated
to show it yet. you can try to download from here
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/10.04. or if it is to slow
(everyone is downloading it now) try to use torrent and keep seeding it for
others too.
AMD64 torrent --->
i386 torrent ---->

hope it helps


2010/4/30 Erik Rasmussen <MailForErik at gmail.com>

> It looks like Ubuntu Studio 10.04 is not yet available?  Does anyone know
> if there a URL that lists the status or news related to when it may become
> available?  (I assume all the test cases were not yet tested?)  Does anyone
> have any information on when it may become available and/or what is delaying
> its release?
> Thanks!
> -Erik
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