Ardour and Funding

Kiernan Holland rofthorax at
Mon Sep 7 07:28:14 BST 2009

Ton is very friendly, and I'm sure if the developer of Ardour, Paul Davis
approached Ton, Ton might be able to give some help/suggestions.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Kiernan Holland <rofthorax at>wrote:

> You know something that blender really sucks at.. The mixing of sound for
> movies in it's sequence editor (which fairly close to being a complete
> non-destructive movie editor). Now if Ardour was made to work in blender,
> I'm sure Ardour could find some funding, and may even find developers to
> make cross platform compatibility possible, which would attract more funding
> (possibly attract more people to the linux platform, especially if people
> like ardour but need to fix latency problems that exist in windows).

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[about me]: chann3lz  bl3nder rofthorax-youtube
[free stuff]: ubuntu  portableapps  winehq virtualbox  ubuntu-studio
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[interests]: cloudcomputing electronics programming simplification
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