Usb Fast Track Maudio

nathalie perrin at
Sat Sep 5 00:07:50 BST 2009

V Gabriele De Palo a écrit :
> nathalie ha scritto:
>> Gustin Johnson a écrit :
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> nathalie wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> No not the ULTRA but just the M-Audio Fast Track, i think it is the 
>>>> cheapest of all .. which is with USB -- not USB 2 which obsioulsy 
>>>> doesn't work with Linux ??
>>> Just to be clear, USB2 works fine under Linux.  The M-Audio Fast Track
>>> Pro Ultra is using different hardware so the existing Fast Track driver
>>> does not work, the Ultra is also not class compliant so there is no
>>> fallback to 2x4 @16 bit, 44k like there was with the Pro.
>> Hello,
>> thanks for your explanations, well then, it is better concerning USB2, i 
>> probably misunderstood something in previous posts. I was surprised by 
>> the way  !
>> My usb fast track is working fine. I was just answering someone who 
>> wanted to see my lsusb output
>> but i should probably write my comment after the message and not before :-/
>> sorry about that !
>> Cheers
>> nat
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> Just to be clear too,
> this's my lsusb whit my unworking fine linux usb2 m-audio fast track 
> ultra sndcard:
> @ubuntuSPort:~$ lsusb
> Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0763:2080 Midiman M-Audio RunTime DFU
> sorry about that too!
> ogni aiuto è molto gradito
> bye
> gabriele
Hi gabriele,
i am a very basic linux user .. so i don't know how to help you ! sorry, 
but one positive thing is that the card seems to be listed and 
recognized by the system .. so it appear to me hat you're not too far 
from the final solution
keep on going ;-)


nathalie perrin
netartiste & editrice
av. Floréal 21 1006 Lausanne - CH
mobile: +41 (0)79 773 22 27 - online since 2006
collage webzine & digital cultures
mmaline projet developpement logiciel «clustering communities and tracing new topologies on the Internet» 

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