
Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus aradnix at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 05:17:33 GMT 2009


Well, I'm very happy still with my 8.04 LTS installation... of course I
proved the 9.04 and has a nicer interface, and I hope the karmic koala will
be still better, for can fight against the newest windows 7... but for
update my own main system, I'll be waiting for the next LTS, but I'm not a
tester like Susan, so I'll be patience for wait till the final realease.

Of course you can check the new 9.10, but if you want to get an stable
version maybe you can wait a couple of months for it.


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kämpa och besegra!
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jarraitu eta garaitu!
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