
Susan Cragin susancragin at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 30 20:44:23 GMT 2009

Some of the 29-series kernels were unstable. I'm running 31-9-rt and it seems very stable, but I have never run ardour. 

-----Original Message-----
>Hi thanks for your help, actually when I tried jaunty 9.04 the kernel rt
>was not good at all and not stable, crashes while using ardour for
>exemple and I would like to know if with Karmic all probleme are solve
>like crash, deconections with no reason. I'm curently running Hardy
>which is very good, and I wa wondering if a fresh install of Karmic is
>worth it.
>Regards from Paris
>Le vendredi 30 octobre 2009 à 12:16 -0700, Eric Hedekar a écrit :
>> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 2:10 AM, teza <tsaliou75 at orange.fr> wrote:
>>         Hi, i would like to if the new rt kernel is stable on Karmic,
>>         and if is
>>         worth to upgrade.
>>         Regards
>>         Teza
>> I would consider Karmic's RT kernel VERY stable as it is an official
>> upstream patch release.  I have already played a handful of shows
>> using this kernel and have not had any kernel-based issues yet (have
>> been regularly running this RT kernel since mid-alpha stage).  
>> What do you hope to gain from upgrading?  What are your fears?
>> - Eric Hedekar

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