Upgrading f**kup's, Karmic Koala

Robert Klaar nim.batu at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 18:56:41 GMT 2009

Found a similar problem; http://www.pubbs.net/ubuntu/200910/58258/

...tried the solution and I got past this phase but then it loads some
modules and stuff and stops at;

* Checking battery state...
* Stopped anac(h)ronistic cron anacron

what now?

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Robert Klaar <nim.batu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi y'all!
> Had a go at the new upgrade with my toshiba laptop last night. From start
> said something about 3 hours, 10.00 pm and I thought that, hey why not go to
> bed, let it run and then wake up with a fresh new system ^^, and so I did...
> When I start the computer in the morning the screen's completely blank*I can
> hear it\s humming so it's probably on. Nothing to do but tu coldswitch the
> power of. Then when I start, it loads 'till the Studio startup loading
> screen, it's pendling for a while, then shuts down with this:
>   One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot be mounted:
> (ESC for recovery shell)
> /: waiting for /dev/desk/by-uuid/454e1178-0212-4c6b-a191-c02f849fe67b
> /tmp: waiting for (null)
> swap: waiting for UUID=7e22945c-a518-4174-8816-41a41d8f05d6
> ...I am able to, from this pos, press esc and drop to recoveryshell. There
> I can find my main harddrive and from this I would asume that my main drive
> has been mounted, no? ...t'hell's wrong? Has the upgrade/flawed shutdown
> messed up my swap?
> //Paco / I'll post solution if I find one. .)
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