No success with EchoAudio FireWire 12

S. Josey sj at
Sun Nov 29 13:27:28 GMT 2009

From: Asmo Koskinen <asmo.koskinen at>
Reply-To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
<ubuntu-studio-users at>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 09:44:26 +0200
To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
<ubuntu-studio-users at>
Subject: Re: No success with EchoAudio FireWire 12

asmo.koskinen at kirjoitti:

> sudo chmod 777 /dev/raw1394

> There is more correct way to do that in Karmic.
> 1. Before.
> asmok at ubuntu-studio:~$ ls -al /dev/raw1394
> crw-rw---- 1 root root 171, 0 2009-11-28 08:53 /dev/raw1394
> asmok at ubuntu-studio:~$
> 2. Add new file with this line in correct directory.
> asmok at ubuntu-studio:~$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/50-raw-firewire.rules
> KERNEL=="raw1394", NAME="raw1394", GROUP="audio"
> 3. After REBOOT.
> asmok at ubuntu-studio:~$ ls -al /dev/raw1394
> crw-rw---- 1 root audio 171, 0 2009-11-28 09:30 /dev/raw1394
> asmok at ubuntu-studio:~$
> asmok at ubuntu-studio:~$ /usr/bin/jackd -R -m -dfirewire -r48000 -p64 -n3
> no message buffer overruns
> jackd 0.116.1
> Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
> jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
> This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
> JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
> loading driver ..
> SSE2 detected
> 00080663620:  (ffado.cpp)[  92] ffado_streaming_init: libffado 1.999.43
> built Sep 17 2009 20:06:09
> 4. We have now correct group (audio) for device raw1394 and it is
> persistent.
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

I have followed your instructions above. It didn¹t help. After creating the
50-raw-firewire.rules file with GROUP=²audio² I did the ls command and still

crw-rw---- 1 root video 171, 0 2009-11-29 21:02 /dev/raw1394

Which is what I have seen all along. I then changed the GROUP name in the
50-raw-firewire.rules file to ³video² and made sure that I was a member of
³video². Still no luck. This is what is still happening:

sjelly at ubuntu-studio:~$ ls -al /dev/raw1394
crw-rw---- 1 root video 171, 0 2009-11-29 21:02 /dev/raw1394
sjelly at ubuntu-studio:~$ groups sjelly
sjelly : sjelly adm dialout cdrom audio video plugdev lpadmin admin
sjelly at ubuntu-studio:~$ /usr/bin/jackd -R -m -dfirewire -r48000 -p64 -n3
no message buffer overruns
jackd 0.116.1
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
loading driver ..
00394670338:  (ffado.cpp)[  92] ffado_streaming_init: libffado 1.999.43
built Sep 17 2009 20:03:51
firewire ERR: Error creating FFADO streaming device
cannot load driver module firewire
no message buffer overruns

I have found something suspicious, and 2 days ago I wrote to the ffado users
mailing list with a new query. I haven¹t had a satisfactory answer yet, so I
will raise it here. When I ran ffado-test Discover command I got the
following output:

sjelly at ubuntu-studio:~$ ffado-test ListDevices
FFADO test and diagnostic utility
Part of the FFADO project --
Version: 1.999.43
(C) 2008, Daniel Wagner, Pieter Palmers
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

=== 1394 PORT 0 ===
  Node id  GUID                  VendorId     ModelId   Vendor - Model
   0       0x660050c500023f4b  0x00660050  0x00000000   Linux - ohci1394
   1       0x0014860bbd34eaef  0x00001486  0x0000AF12   Echo Digital Audio
- AudioFire12
no message buffer overruns

But now we come to what might be the interesting part - at least it
appears to be an error message to one who is ignorant such as myself:

sjelly at ubuntu-studio:~$ ffado-test Discover
FFADO test and diagnostic utility
Part of the FFADO project --
Version: 1.999.43
(C) 2008, Daniel Wagner, Pieter Palmers
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

02452526211: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 332] discover: Starting
02452532531: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452533756: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452534979: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452536183: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452537416: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452592920: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452594160: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452595385: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452596598: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452597831: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read
failed: node 0xFFC1, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 256
02452647249: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 163] showSetting:   Group: (null)
02452647312: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     vendorid =
5254 (0x00001486)
02452647325: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     modelid =
44818 (0x0000AF12)
02452647347: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     vendorname =
02452647367: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     modelname =
02452647384: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     driver = 2
02452647394: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     mixer =
02452647410: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:
xmit_max_cycles_early_transmit = 2 (0x00000002)
02452647476: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 163] showSetting:   Group: (null)
02452647494: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     vendorid =
5254 (0x00001486)
02452647503: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     modelid =
44818 (0x0000AF12)
02452647523: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     vendorname =
02452647533: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     modelname =
02452647547: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     driver = 2
02452647557: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     mixer =
02452647571: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:
xmit_max_cycles_early_transmit = 2 (0x00000002)
02452647778: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 594] discover: driver found for
device 1
02452647841: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 163] showSetting:   Group: (null)
02452647852: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     vendorid =
5254 (0x00001486)
02452647867: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     modelid =
44818 (0x0000AF12)
02452647878: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     vendorname =
02452647892: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     modelname =
02452647901: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:     driver = 2
02452647921: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting:     mixer =
02452647931: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting:
xmit_max_cycles_early_transmit = 2 (0x00000002)
02452648553: Error (fireworks_device.cpp)[ 175] discoverUsingEFC: Firmware
version 2.0 (rev 1536) not recent enough. FFADO requires at least version
4.8 (rev 0).
02452648572: Error (devicemanager.cpp)[ 606] discover: could not discover
02452648629: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 639] discover: Discovery
02452648642: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1184] showDeviceInfo: ===== Device
Manager =====
02452648664: Debug (Element.cpp)[ 121] show: Element DeviceManager
02452648674: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1192] showDeviceInfo: --- IEEE1394
Service  0 ---
Iso handler info:
Dumping IsoHandlerManager Stream handler information...
 State: 2
no message buffer overruns

There are some read failure messages at the top of the output. I don¹t know
how significant these are. What I thought was more alarming were these
02452648553: Error (fireworks_device.cpp)[ 175] discoverUsingEFC: Firmware
version 2.0 (rev 1536) not recent enough. FFADO requires at least version
4.8 (rev 0).
02452648572: Error (devicemanager.cpp)[ 606] discover: could not discover

That sounds kind of fatal to me. What firmware is being referred to here? I
got the same message when using a VIA chipset-based 1394 controller card and
I¹ve since replaced it with a TI chipset card. Same error. Is it my Echo
AudioFire12 firmware that needs to be updated? I plugged this Echo 12 into
my iMac with Tracktion and there was no automatic firmware update initiated.

Any clues? Is this significant or a red herring?

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