Jack+Alsa(ca0106) in 9.10

Oleg Ivanenko oivanenko at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 18:45:16 GMT 2009

Hi, all!

I have an issue with recently installed Ubuntustudio 9.10 with alsa
1.0.20 ca0106 module(SB Live 24bit 7.1) and jack 0.116: jackd
successfully runnig at first trying after boot, but all subsequent
tryings to start jackd ended with:
<cuted qjackctl messages>
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, skip cycle
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, skip cycle
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, skip cycle
20:53:51.854 JACK is stopping...
jack main caught signal 15
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, skip cycle
WARNING: 1 message buffer overruns!
20:53:51.881 JACK was stopped with exit status=1.
20:53:51.882 Post-shutdown script...
20:53:51.885 killall jackd
jackd: no process found
20:53:52.313 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.

This ca0106 soundcard faultlessly worked under my previous ASPLinux 12 :(

Inspite of jack failures and just after it, mplayer successfully
playing sounds with that soundcard. I should reboot for normal and
singular jackd starting.

I have another(onboard) soundcards apart from ca0106 and it always
working fine. I mean I can start and stop jackd without troubles.

I downloaded jack2 1.9.3 but issue still present.

Additional info, my account in audio group audio and /etc/security/limits.conf:
@audio          -       rtprio          99
@audio          -       memlock         unlimited

pulseaudio switched off :)

Can anybody help me with this trouble, please?

Truly yours, Oleg Ivanenko aka Ash
[if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny]

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