[usersUbuntuStudio] Jack lags...

Robert Klaar nim.batu at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 12:22:55 GMT 2009

So, a somewhat conclusive update. I have now gotten it to work properly, it
had to do with the audio buffert and the IRQ-priority for my soundcard, both
of which I'd tested, figures the problem :), had to put the buffert
somewhere between 512 and 1024 and on top of that increase priority to my
soundcard to 80-something, anyways, now it works.

I'm looking forward to a long lasting and productive relationship with US,
currently I'm using Renoise for the most, backed up by Ardour and Hydrogen.

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Robert Klaar <nim.batu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Update, so after a nights configuring I think I know wherein the problem
> lies. :), I added Jack to the tray and now, when I start it, it gets
> completely red. I checked this up and supposedly it has to do with xruns(?).
> I also noticed that it helps changing the frames/period setting, but only to
> a degree(even at highest it's no good). I see now that this is not strange
> at all since it's the xruns that are causing it to slow down in the first
> place... Now all I have to figure out is why the xruns are being sent. Also
> I noticed something when starting alsamixer, I only have the masterbar.
> //paco
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Robert Klaar <nim.batu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there again!
>> Been configuring audio now for the most of my friday-evening, everything
>> works fine except it doesn't :(. Pulseaudio works, mediaplayers routing to
>> pulseaudio too, but things like Ardour, Hydrogen, everything Jack-based
>> doesn't. It lags when I try to use any samples and everything that's not
>> working can in one way or another be related to Jack. When I started up a
>> new project in Ardour, a notice came up stating that I had locked my memory
>> or something, I looked up how to unlock this and now the notice is gone but
>> nothing has changed with how it sounds, allthought it seemed reasonable(I'm
>> sitting on a dual core 2.3 ghz with a ram of 3 g so I find it hard to think
>> anything's wrong with the hardware per sey), I also checked with system
>> monitor and it is hardly working it would seem when running jack. Also Jack
>> shows, in the Jack-ctrl window something like 1(249), "249 is increasing",
>> don't know if this is normal or not since I'm new to the whole thing. Anyone
>> care to take a guess?... so that I might go out and get oen or two beers at
>> least this friday evening :)...
>> //paco
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