M-Audio Audiophile

Christer Roos christer.roos at ektv.nu
Mon Jun 29 16:18:34 BST 2009

On mån, 2009-06-29 at 18:03 +0300, Asmo Koskinen wrote:
> Christer Roos kirjoitti:
> > I'm having trouble making my M-Audio Audiophile work. I've tried
> > different settings with alsa-base.conf but nothing works... I'm newbie
> > and need help!
> USB? PCI? Tell us little more.
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

USB. i'm using ubuntu 9.04, i'm just using it for playback and
recording. At the moment my alsa-base.conf looks like this:

# autoloader aliases
install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd-usb-audio
#install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-0
install sound-slot-1 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-1
install sound-slot-2 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-2
install sound-slot-3 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-3
install sound-slot-4 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-4
install sound-slot-5 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-5
install sound-slot-6 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-6
install sound-slot-7 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-7

# Cause optional modules to be loaded above generic modules
install snd /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd $CMDLINE_OPTS &&
{ /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-ioctl32 ; /sbin/modprobe
--quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq ; }
# Workaround at bug #499695 (reverted in Ubuntu see LP #319505)
install snd-pcm /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-pcm $CMDLINE_OPTS &&
{ /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-pcm-oss ; : ; }
install snd-mixer /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-mixer
$CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist
snd-mixer-oss ; : ; }
install snd-seq /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-seq $CMDLINE_OPTS &&
{ /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq-midi ; /sbin/modprobe
--quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq-oss ; : ; }
install snd-rawmidi /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-rawmidi
$CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist
snd-seq-midi ; : ; }
# Cause optional modules to be loaded above sound card driver modules
install snd-emu10k1 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-emu10k1
$CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist
snd-emu10k1-synth ; }
install snd-via82xx /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-via82xx
$CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq ; }

# Load saa7134-alsa instead of saa7134 (which gets dragged in by it
install saa7134 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install saa7134 $CMDLINE_OPTS &&
{ /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist saa7134-alsa ; : ; }
# Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0
options bt87x index=-2
options cx88_alsa index=-2
options saa7134-alsa index=-2
options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
options snd-intel8x0m index=-2
options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2
options snd-usb-audio index=0 device_setup=0x09
options snd-usb-us122l index=-1
options snd-usb-usx2y index=-2
options snd-usb-caiaq index=-2
# Ubuntu #62691, enable MPU for snd-cmipci
options snd-cmipci mpu_port=0x330 fm_port=0x388
# Keep snd-pcsp from beeing loaded as first soundcard
options snd-pcsp index=-2


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