m.audio axiom 25

Gustin Johnson gustin at echostar.ca
Thu Jun 25 21:47:06 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

EZ EZ wrote:
> Hi guys, I'm Ezio from Italian Alpes...
> I've any sound problems :
> I've passed to Ubuntu Studio JJ 9.04 from US HH 8.04, all worked fine but i've changed my suondcard, now I've an Esi Maya 44 pci, so I need an Alsa upgrade to patch it............ 
> In 8.04 my midi keyboard was plug and play, I could see it in JACK Control, window "Connection", section "Alsa", and enjoy with Ardour, Qsynth, Rosegarden, ZynAddSubFX  etc... 
> After the upgrade the "ALSA list of readable clients/output ports" is ALWAYS EMPTY... Why ? 
> When I run ZynAddSubFX, it doesn't appears in the "AUDIO list of readable clients/output ports" so i can't connect it to the soundcard's playbacks... But in the 8.04 there was !
> Could you help me ???
> I'll give you more information if request...
> Thanks............
I have the Axiom 49, I usually just connect it to the MIDI ports of my
9652, I just don't trust USB.  If your sound card has a midi port you
should be able to connect it to that.  When I get home tonight I will
see if my 9.04 laptop can see the Axiom.
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