Newbie question: Gnome desktop

Christian Convey christian.convey at
Wed Jun 17 11:25:54 BST 2009

Thank you Bart.

In the English version, it requires these two steps:

1. Right-click on the panel at the top of the screen, and choose "New
Panel".  This causes a panel to appear at the bottom of the screen.

2. Right-click the panel at the bottom of the screen, and chose "Add
to Panel".  In the list that comes up, choose "Window List" and "Show

Now my screen looks a lot more like the standard Ubuntu 9.04 desktop.  Thanks.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:17 AM, bart deruyter<bart.deruyter at> wrote:
> Christian,
> it is very simple:
> go with your mouse on the top bar, rightclick, and select "add panel" or
> "add bar" or something like that. (I've got the Dutch version, and it's
> called 'paneel').
> Greets,
> Bart
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Christian Convey
> <christian.convey at> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Whenever I've used Ubuntu in the past, including Ubuntu 9.04, there
>> has been a task bar at the bottom of the screen, showing each running
>> window.  This is in addition to the bar at the top of the screen
>> containing the launch menu, the system time, etc.
>> However, in Ubuntu Studio 9.04, the bar at the bottom of the screen is
>> absent.  Google wasn't any help in figure out how to make it appear.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Christian
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