Digital Audio Recorder

Thomas Fisher thomasfisher at
Sun Jun 14 19:12:51 BST 2009

On Sunday 14 June 2009 08:37:57 am sh0099 wrote:
> many people like the recorders from zoom escpecialy because of the
> "usable" microphones.
> i had a microtrack but the build in microphone of it is bad.
> there are some more professional recorders where the fostex fr-le has
> the best price.
> Tom Rausner schrieb:
> > Hi !
> >
> > I have recently switched from the "ordenary" ubuntu to "Studio".
> > I've done so 'cause I'm going to work a lot with sound. In addition
> > to this I need a way of recording speech and sounds in digital form.
> > In the end I want to end up with a .wav file for editing.
> >
> > Do any of you have some good experiences to share, conserning sound
> > recording, using specific (portable) recording devices, for later
> > editing in "Studio" as .wav.
  Hi Tom
 I am a user of a Zoom H4 and it does what I want. This unit downloads on a 
USB hub. Frequently I use Audacity which is user friendly. There are number of 
filter packages which extend the capabilities a lot. 




Audio / Video file codecs: 
Check out Flac & Ogg in addition to regulars.
As for Ubuntu Studio 9.04 and the RT kernel the future may be problematic in 
that it appears the maintainers have abandoned the project. If anyone will 
pick it up is yet to be seen. For myself, I have been running 8.04 but have 
had little need for the dynamic RT, and am in the process of moving over to 
Fedora 10 and CCRMA.

Dave  Phillips { Studio Dave }

The Linux Audio Users { LAU } is a very active list with all levels of 
The archive is a treasure trove.
Hope this helps

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