Getting sound with latest kernels?

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at
Thu Jul 2 15:43:44 BST 2009

Susan Cragin kirjoitti:

> The only way I can get any incoming sound to work at all is using pulseaudio in audacity, and then it's really weak. 
> I've tried the volume control. 

You are talking about Karmic/

I removed/purged PA away, alsamixer/Delta 66 works after that just fine. 
I will test Karmic next time, when Alpha 3 is out there. Happy 
summertime everybody ;-).

You know, 64 Studio 3.0 Beta 3 does not install PulseAudio by default. 
And it is based on Hardy. But it is very audio production centered, as 
we all know.

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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