No subject

Wed Jan 21 23:15:58 GMT 2009

set to be slave=2E I also read something about setting them to sync via

The fact that you've actually done it is promising=2E

There are some posts about defining which device is to be first and second=

Some of this may need to be configged in the pod=2E THe windows applicatio=
that shipps with them can do this, I'm wondering if the ffado-tools has
anything that can do the same=2E


Original Message:
From: Philip Schleihauf phil at adjacentfilms=2Ecom
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 12:05:51 -0500
To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists=2Eubuntu=2Ecom
Subject: Re: Presonus


I've got a presonus firebox, which is the little version of the firepod I

When I use the RT kernel I don't get any x-runs, unless I set insane
parameters on the frames/period and periods/buffer=2E

As far as daisy-chaining goes:
I often daisy-chain it with my friend's firebox=2E It works very well=2E
There's only two problems:
1- sometimes when I start JACK they are out of sync from each other by
the amount of latency that jack is set to=2E So If jack is at 11=2E6msec,
one of them will be at 11=2E6, but the other one will record at 23=2E2=2E
This problem is totally random=2E Sometimes it does this and sometimes it
2- The order the connections show up in jack sometimes changes=2E This
can be very annoying if jack crashes in a session, and I have to
restart it; often the order will have switched=2E Then I have to redo
all the connections=2E
Presonus claims that daisy-chaining firepods works, but they don't say
that fireboxes can be daisy-chained=2E I think you'd be ok with the

Does anyone know if it is possible to daisy-chain a firebox with a
firepod=3F That's my dream at this point=2E

Philip Schleihauf
phil at adjacentfilms=2Ecom

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:47 AM, suemac at empire=2Enet <suemac at empire=2Enet>=

>>Original Message:
>>From: juan pablo juanpablo=2Esantacreu at gmail=2Ecom
>>Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:38:24 +0100
>>To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists=2Eubuntu=2Ecom
>>Subject: Presonus
> <snip>
>>I=B4m new in the list and, i=B4m very excited with ubuntu studio and my =
>>presonus firepod=2E
>>All seem to work fine=2E I get some xrun=2E=2E=2E maybe i still have to =
>>some parameter=2E
>>Someone in the list with the presonus firepod=3F=3F
>>Some example of garage music recording, mixing and mastering with
>>ubuntu studio and the presonus=3F
> Hi Juan,
> I have a firepod=2E I hope to actually daisy chain two of them eventuall=
> it appears no one has attempted that in Linux land=2E=2E=2E
> I am using UBStudio hardy 64bit, so I have the rt kernel=2E I found if I=
> all the latest Jack, ardour, ffado, etc that xruns are very few=2E
> Mac
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